5 Career Benefits to Being Active on LinkedIn

business career networking Sep 16, 2019

Do I really need to be on LinkedIn?

The short answer is YES, and here’s why it’s a no brainer!

There are around 33 million people in the UK who are working or available to work.

There are 27 million UK users on LinkedIn which is, as I’m sure you’ve just worked out, very much the majority of the working population.

There are plenty of jobs on LinkedIn these days, but it’s primarily a networking site where you can start conversations that will enhance your career or business. Have a look at this short video (it’s only a minute long) to see more.

Here are 5 Career Benefits to Being Active on LinkedIn:

  1. At the simplest level, it’s a place to have a public professional profile and be found
  2. You can network with other professionals in your field to;
    • build and enhance your reputation
    • gain contacts and information that will be useful in your current role and organisation
    • build networks that will help you research your next career steps (in the same or different areas), and help you make the move when the time comes
  3. Your connections can write recommendations for you. It’s like having public references. This is particularly important when you’re going to the job market as anyone thinking of inviting you for interview is likely to check you out on LinkedIn first. Recommendations can tip the balance in your favour. After all, they are people publicly saying you’re good!
  4. Nowadays, as I said above, there are also plenty of jobs advertised through LinkedIn directly by organisations
  5. It’s easy to use and it’s free (there are paid levels, but for most people this isn’t necessary)

If you still need convincing, or if you want some more ideas on networking through LinkedIn or elsewhere, perhaps look into why keeping in touch is so powerful.

So go on; either set up a profile, or update your current one, and start using this platform as part of your career management strategy.

If you’d like to book a free 20 minute discovery session to review your career strategy, head over to the resources section.

STOP PRESS! I’m running a short session on “Riding the Ripples” (it’s all about understanding the impact you have) at this month’s Surrey BeCollaboratiion meeting. There are other great speakers too and the event is free for first time visitors, so if you want to come and say Hi, register through www.becollaboration.com.  It’s this Thursday, 3-6pm in Banstead, Surrey.

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