Start Your Business

Are you considering self-employment but don’t know where to start?

Dave Cordle Coaching can help you learn the basics so that you set off on the right foot to make running your business successful and enjoyable.

Doing the right things, and knowing what those things are, is crucial both to your success and happiness in running your business and working for yourself.

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Working For Yourself

Many people reach a point in their career when they think that they’d like to run their own business rather than working for someone else. They might be considering consultancy in the field in which they are already expert or running a larger concern with staff and premises. 

But, where do you start and what are the things that will make you successful. Being expert in what you do is not enough: for many people not knowing what it takes to run their business means that they either don’t try or find themselves struggling and under pressure.

That’s why I’ve developed a programme to help you understand what it takes to work for yourself and set good habits that will help you to succeed.

How will you benefit from career coaching to start your own business?


Get a clear vision of the difference you want to make for your clients / customers


Work out who your ideal customers really are


Understand how you can most efficiently make potential customers aware of you and how to communicate with them to turn them into actual customer


Know all the different parts of your business that you’ll need to get working effectively


Learn how working ON your business is key to your success: what the important stuff really is and how to get it done.


Understand how you fit into all those different elements of your business and which you could (maybe should) outsource


Learn networking skills that will increase your business and get you the support you need


Adopt the mindsets & attitudes for success


Have a workable action plan and business goals that support your lifestyle goals


If you’d find out more about how I can support you on your journey to self employment, contact me for a no obligation chat.


50% Complete

Two Step

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